Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Dharmapada 237

Dharmapada 237

"Your life has come to an end now. You are setting forth into the presence of Yama, the king of death.
No resting place is there for you on the way,
yet you have made no provision for the journey!"

'Bhavana Vandana'
Meditation on Death

'There is no possibility
that mortals shall not die;
having reached old age they die;
Such is the nature of living beings.

As fruit, when ripe,
has to fall,
so all beings live constantly in the fear,
that they will die.

As a potter's earthen jars eventually must all break up, so too does the life of mortals eventually come to an end.

The young and the old,
the foolish and the wise,
all move in the grip of death;
All finally end in death.

Impermanent are all conditioned things, affected by rising and falling away;
Having arisen, they then must cease;
Blissful is it, when they subside.

Before long this body will lie cast away upon the ground, bereft of all consciousness like a useless block of wood.

Uninvited she came here, without leave she departed.
She went just as she came, so why lament?

So a wise person,
seeing her own good,
secures firm conviction
in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.

She who practices the Dharma;
In thought, word, and deed, receives praise here on earth, and after death rejoices in heaven.'

"Friends, I give these words, as a consoling and soothing balm to ease the pain.
May you all be blessed in the knowledge that our loved one is at peace."

With Metta

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With love