Friday, 25 April 2014

Clear path--

Clear path--

It is now over forty years since I started on my journey to become more enlightened and cultivated.

One of the greatest lessons I have learnt is the lesson of destiny.

So do I have a clear path?

I love my life and everything I do.
I love everyone I come into contact with.

It's a choice, a decision.

We start our short existence on the graph of life, and it ends before we have even learnt that we have a destiny to fulfill.

There's a choice how we live, how we behave,
a choice that has a karmic outcome.

We all have a decision to make regarding our destiny.

Our lives are similar to when we build a house.

We start with a strong foundation, we then build walls and rooms.
We start placing stuff inside.

After many years our house collects so much rubbish, the house falls in on it's self.

This is exactly like what is happening to most of us right now.

How can we discover our potential when we have so much rubbish surrounding us.

Let me tell you a story;
A famous yogi from Tibet, Dromponpa saw a young man circling a stupa chanting.

The Yogi said,
"Circling a stupa is well and good, but wouldn't it be better if you practiced dharma."

The young man thought, perhaps he means this is too simple a practice for me, and I'd be better off studying texts.

Later the Yogi saw him reading holy books and said.
"Reading texts is well and good, but wouldn't it be better to practice dharma?"

What should I do,
the young man thought, maybe meditate.

Again the Yogi said,
when he saw the young man sitting in meditation,
"Wouldn't it be better if you practiced dharma?"

The young man was getting agitated .
"What do you mean practice dharma ?"

The great Yogi replied...
"Turn your mind away from attachment to the worldly life.
You can go round holy objects, go to a monastery, or a temple, and meditate in some corner, doing nothing.

Unless you change your mental attitude, your old habits of attachment, your old games you learnt from parents, you won't find peace, your practice will be ineffective.

If you don't change your mind, no matter how many external things you do, you'll never progress along your spiritual path.

The cause of agitation will remain with you.
It's your mental attitude that determines whether your actions become the path to inner realization and liberation, or to suffering and confusion.

Dharma practise is the method for totally releasing attachment.

One dharma is to understand that you have a destiny to fulfill.
To choose your own destiny, or to be steered by others suffering greatly on the way to death."

Your own life is in the balance right now."
So here's the question:
do I live an ordinary life in an extraordinary way, or do I stumble from day to day suffering and in pain?

Make a choice,
make a decision,
and create destiny.

It is only when we practice dharma,
that the path is clear.

With Metta

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With love