Saturday 30 December 2017

Tomorrow is the last day of the year and then we start a New Year…

Tomorrow is the last day of the year and then we start a New Year....
What promise will we make that will be broken...
Same as last year?
We enter each year with a promise to be a better person..
Eat less, make more money,
be nicer...
All to be broken and forgotten within a week of thge New Year,,,
The easy solution is to realise that each day we have, is a good day.

Today is a good day....

'Zen Mondo'...

A monk asked
"Should one leave home
without a parents consent?"
The master said:
"I do not understand,"
"Deep!" said Yun-men.

Zen Master

Yun-men addressed the assembly and said:
"I am not asking you about the days before the fifteenth of the month.
But what about after the fifteenth?
Come and give me a word about those days."
He then gave the answer for them:
"Every day is a good day."

In 949AD he gave his final talk to his monks and said:
"Coming and going are continuous,
I must be on my way."
He then sat in the lotus position and died.

Yen-men gave one word answers to most questions.
Always sharp, to the point,
most did not understand.
To the few who did spend some time in contemplation of his words, came clarity and awareness.
His belief that we think too much was a revelation in his time. Maybe, today we need to adopt some of his thinking.

"The less we think,
the more we see."

What a great way
to start the year.


Sent from my iPhone and
With love