Thursday, 10 April 2014

"My cure for cancer"

"My cure for cancer"

Dear friends:
This morning I wanted to give thanks.
Who to give thanks to?

I am not Christian, I am not Indian, Muslim, Japanese or Chinese, so some thirty thousand and two Gods miss out on my thanks, although if they are listening;

I would like to think that a Quan Yin or LaoMu had a hand in my miracle.

I would love to be able to get on my knees and thank a deity, and get an answer, "that's ok, you deserve our help."

None of this happened.

The miracle did happen.

Some three years ago a blood test showed an elevated reading for prostate cancer.

Over the next three years and four very personal examinations, and a biopsy, showed increases in the size of the prostate and the presence of cancer.

Last Friday I had a biopsy to see if the cancer had spread.

Yesterday I got the result:
"You are cancer free."

The surgeon and I discussed the result and decided that a relaxed state of mind and a non ownership of the dis-ease is a great start to a cure.

It all started with my practice of Anapanasati
(breath meditation)

In my case, this practice helped me to remove my dis-ease.

The Buddha said that we are the total cause of our own suffering.
The Buddha included dis-ease as suffering.
The removal of suffering is the recognition that we are suffering and the way to remove suffering is in the practice.
The practice also includes the "eightfold path."

I am most pleased to say that I feel great.

For those who are suffering, and not feeling great, may I suggest to lesson the suffering,
try the practice.

With Metta,

Sent from my iPhone and
With love