To sow seeds.
In Brazil, some two hundred years ago, a small village was starving.
The crops had failed once again and things were desperate.
The head man called all the smartest young men and chose one to go and find a way for the village to survive.
All the gold was collected and given to this smart young man.
This was the first time anyone alone had left the village to go outside.
Two years later, the smart young man came back.
The head man was the only one who had believed the young man would come back.
"What have you brought us after all this time?" the head man asked.
"Seeds", he replied " they are called coffee".
History tells us Brazil was placed on the map by this one young smart man.
In the last century Brazil became the largest coffee producer in the world.
So the question is, what seed have we to give others a future?
The seed can be love, or hope.
The seed can be a Dharma from a good book .
All of us have seeds that have not been shared.
Some seeds never sprout, never grow, because we don't know, or understand, that the seeds exist within us.
When we operate from our true self, our inner self, the self that has no ego, no fears, no thoughts of past or future.
This is the self that operates in the now.
The present moment.
This self, this pure self, knows about the seed.
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With love