Tuesday, 2 September 2014

I love this story....

I love this story....

Zhuang Zhou went to see Duke Ai of Lu.
Ai said 'There are many learn'ed scholars in Lu but few of them study your works Master.'
Zhuang Zhou replied
'There are few learn'ed men in Lu'
Duke Ai said
'there are so many men wearing the dress of scholars how can you say there are few?'
Zhuang Zhou replied
'the ones who wear round hats know the seasons of Heaven and those who wear square shoes know the shape of the earth. Those who tie semi circular discs on their belts deal perfectly with what comes before them. But a nobleman can follow the Tao without having to dress the part. Indeed one may wear the dress and not understand the Tao at all.
Should my Lord not be sure of this point, why not issue an order of state;

"Any person wearing the dress, but not practicing the Tao, will be executed!"

This is what happened and within five days throughout the kingdom of Lu, not one wore the dress of a learn'ed man.

Only one old man wore the formal dress and stood at the Duke's gate.

The Duke called him in and discussed all manner of affairs of state and the old man never faulted in his answers.

Zhuang Xhou said
'My Lord you see only one old man who is learn'ed in the ways of life in your whole kingdom,
how can you say there are so many?'

Isn't this a bit like our lives right now and how nothing changes.


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With love