Most want more....
An eager novice kept asking for more from his Master.
Finally the master said, Don't bother coming anymore. Just make yourself like a tree stump on the mountain.
Put your body and mind to rest. Do this for ten,
or seven, or even three years, and surely you will discover something.
Don't be so sure you want to be enlightened.
From where you are looking it would be awfully dull.
Shunryu Suzuki
Gain is delusion.
Loss is enlightenment.
Uchiyama Roshi
Followers of the Way,
you take the words out of the mouths of old teachers and think this must be the Way.
Blind idiots!
You go through life betraying your own two eyes!
Men cannot see their reflections in running water, only in still water
Most want more,
there are a few,
who are at peace.
For those of us,
who practice,
there is clarity.
Follow the breath...
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With love