Sunday, 11 November 2012


The subject of Karma conjures up debates and argument that spans more than two thousand five hundred years
How does Karma work,
do I create it and does it really exist?

I believe that nothing happens to us that we do not deserve.
The cause or causes of this visible effect are not necessarily confined to this present life.
Some causes could be environmental or heredity, but Karma is definitely a result of our own actions,
both past and present.
We alone are responsible for our happiness and misery.
We create our own Heaven,
We create our own Hell.

A devotee once asked the Buddha;
"What's the cause, what's the reason that some are short lived, some are long lived.
Some are born wealthy, some are born poor, some ugly, some beautiful?"

The Buddha explained that it was caused by Karma.
The Buddha explained Karma as;
" All living beings have Karma as their own inheritance and their own doing."
"It is Karma that differentiates high and low beings."
The Buddha then explained
the differences in accordance with the laws of cause and effect.
The Buddha also explained that not everything is due to Karma and even though it is one important factor in the twenty four conditions that effect us.
The Buddha also contradicted
the belief that all physical circumstance and mental attitude springs solely from the past.
If our present life is totally conditioned or wholly controlled by our past actions then Karma is fatalism or predestination.
If this were so, then free will would be absurd.
Such a fatalistic doctrine is not Buddhist philosophy or Karmic law.

According to Buddhism there are five processes or orders that operate in the mental and physical realms of Karma
They are:

Physical Inorganic order;
That is the seasonal changes of wind and rain

Physical Organic order;
Order of germs and seeds,
That is rice from seeds, sugar from cane, honey from bees.

Order of act and result;
Reward and punishment
Water seeks its own level and so does Karma and is as natural as the sun follows the moon

Order of the norm
This is the natural gravitation of the laws of nature and the reason for being good

Order of mind or psychic law
This is the processes of consciousness and mind that are inexplicable to science

Every mental or physical
phenomena can be explained by these five orders including Karma which is only one

My belief is that Karma does not attach itself to persons unless there is a cognitive action or decision to commit certain acts
When one is conscious the very thought of an action causes Karma
It is then that action and the consequence that causes suffering.
if we do something with intent, Karma is created and the suffering starts.

The Buddha said
"I declare O Bhikkhus,
That volition is Karma.
Having willed, one acts by body, speech and thought."
(Anguttara Nicaya)

A traveller came in search of the most famous Holy Zen Master Roshi.
He had come so far and was tired and grumpy.
He stopped to ask a Monk where the famous Roshi lived and explained how far he had come and how famous he had heard the Master was.
The Monk said
"You mean to tell me you have travelled so far to see this man? What a waste of your time.
I know this man personally and he is a zero. You have wasted your time and money on silly rumours."
The visitor was outraged.
"You lowly despicable man, what do you know.
You obviously have no understanding of anything spiritual or holy."
Very upset the traveller stormed off.
Later that day, he finally found the great Holy Masters home and having been granted an appointment, was brought into his office.
He nearly fainted in shame and remorse.
The Monk who he was so rude to in the street was sitting in front of him and was none other than the great Roshi himself.
With tears in his eyes, he begged forgiveness.
"Why are you so upset,
there is no need to apologise,"
the great man said,
"I told you the simple truth, and everything you said was also true."
The great man then said,
"Don't let the Karma of your action take hold of you and make you regret our meeting.
Let go.
Be conscious,
Be responsible.
Buy me lunch."


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With love